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Sub 35 - TheEd - 11-02-2018

better to do the 3 x 1600m session @ projected 10k time you want to go through 10k at in the half marathon race, with 3 minutes easy in-between

have a nice relaxing week


Sub 35 - jamieh - 11-02-2018

Sounds good. Will switch 400s for 3x1.6.

Nice 16k after the flight home today. Legs felt heavy from the skiing but when I looked at the watch was tapping along at ~4:05/km for 125bpm so VO2 good.

Sub 35 - jamieh - 14-02-2018

3x1.6 today off 2-3 mins on road. 3:29-3:31 was comfortable at around 145 HR so I think I'll aim for 10k in ~35:15ish and re-assess things from there (the course is very flat). Resting heart rate still nice and low (37) despite a slight cold on Mon/Tues (better today) and legs feeling strong despite my being a little heavy (~79kg).

Sub 35 - jamieh - 18-02-2018

1:15:06 in the half this morning. 25s PB Smile

Enjoyed the race. Heavier than I'd like on the line (79kg) and went through 5k behind target with HR 150+ so I played safe through 10k (35:45). At about 13k a little guy came past and I matched his (fast) cadence which made me feel a lot better. With 5k to go I felt really strong so picked things up, finishing with a <17:15 5k (3:11 for the last k with a sprint finish!). Didn't eat anything during the race which I think was the right call (just a sip of water at 10k).

Definitely more in the tank over that distance, but bodes well for the marathon if I can get some good cycles in and some weight off.

Sub 35 - TheEd - 28-02-2018

congrats on this Jamie

in truth you should be a 72 minute 21k runner, well, that is how I see your talent

how was your recovery after the half?

what are you doing now?

ps.. somehow have missed the emails that tell me there is a new post

Sub 35 - jamieh - 28-02-2018


Recovery has been good so far except for cold symptoms coming and going. Had tight glutes in the days after the race but massage fixed that nicely.

I've increased my easy runs to be at least 60 mins and took a steady week last week with a tempo XC run on Saturday and then 26k on Sunday with 2x5k at sub 2:40 pace (3:45/k) feeling good. 93k for the week. which I'm sure is my biggest ever running mileage for a week.

Just been doing easy runs this week. Took yesterday off with sore throat but feeling good again today and ran an easy 90mins with legs feeling great. 2k's tomorrow to kick off a new cycle and then an easy 32k at the weekend. Not planning to push the 2k's too hard as I'd rather not let the cold relapse.

No races planned between now and the Marathon (23rd April), although I wouldn't mind putting down a good ParkRun one of the paced 5k weekends if I'm in shape..

Sub 35 - jamieh - 01-03-2018

5x2k off 90 this evening

6:44 (137, 156)
6:42 (152, 161)
6:43 (156, 165)
6:45 (156, 168)
6:38 (165, 172)

Weight 77.5kg

Decent set of 2ks. Not setting the world on fire but consistency is good! Legs feeling great after and no niggles. Rest tomorrow then planning a light run on Sat (max 10 miles with some Marathon pace if feeling good) and then 30-35k very easy on Sunday to round out another ~90k week.

Sub 35 - TheEd - 04-03-2018

Do make sure to monitor yourself, as you know from past experience that things happen when rounding into shape.

With 6 weeks to go to the marathon, then things should be marathon-centric, so you can keep the 2k session but marathon paced runs should be introduced, and now you can introduce a few rolling hill sessions, instead of the 6 x 1k session

I am always concerned about short races just before the marathon, so we should play it by ear regarding the 5k paced run

your thoughts


Sub 35 - jamieh - 04-03-2018

Yes makes sense re: last 6 weeks. I might just round out this cycle by doing the 1k's on Tuesday and then (if legs ok) a 5k this coming Saturday? Sunday next week I will officially be 6 weeks out so will replace 1k's with hills from then.

Definitely will start adding in more marathon pace from now, especially on Saturdays before the Sunday long runs. Had a good weekend of training with 11k yesterday with the middle 6k at Marathon Pace, then 32k today steady (4:07/km) getting down towards 3:50/km for the last 5k feeling good (apart from sore soles of feet! Not plantar fasciitis, the actual soles..).

Keeping a close eye on any niggles. So far so good and 99km for the week.

Sub 35 - JonathanWardley - 05-03-2018

Hi TheEd

thanks for your post quiet pleased how the race went.
I set off at 3.48 to 3.50 pace knowing what was coming at 4k onward.
I kept a good controlled pace through the race and placed 7th overall and 2nd in the age group.

Now i am looking at racing Sunday as i feel fresh this morning hopped out for an easy 45 mins.

I have two choices a 7k or a 10.5k I wont scale down any training for this and run it as part of the 3 week cycle.(replacing the 2k intervals in this case)

I would like a firm 18 min 5k and try and build on it from there.
The heat is now an issue i saw a few harden Thais left sat in the road yesterday the heat found them out.

Not sure what your thoughts on the 7 or 10k but i know they will both have value to run on a say flat course.

all for now