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Full Version: how to improve my 10k time
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Hi The Ed
I have been running for about 19months and seem to have come to a point where i dont see any improvement.
I am running mostly six days a week with a 10k race every other week, iwould like to imrove on my 10k pb wich is 39.25.
I always seem to start fast then hang on for the last few ks.
I also intend to do a half marathon in seven weeks and would like to get under 1.30.
I would like to have a structured plan as i have not tried this before.
Can you help
Hi Robbie, I was quite sure that I had answered your post, my extreme apologies for not doing so.

How things going in your current training?

If you would like us to steer you in the right direction, I need for you to run a 4k time-trial, preferably on a track

If you have a heart-rate monitor feedback would be appreciated

and from this we can move forward


Hi The Ed
I am now training for a half marathon and my pb is 92mins have you any tips to help me achieve a good time.
I currently run 6 days per week and i dont have a heart monitor.
Look forward to you reply
Hi Robbie, if you select a 10k program to train on and make a few tweaks according to your longest run and weekly mileage, then you will have a solution for a 21k race.

Please ask a few more questions and give a little detail on your current weekly schedule


Hi The Ed
I am running 5miles mon easy 7.5 to 8
5x 1k reps tuesday 3.55 per k
5.8 club race wednesday 36.5mins
5 miles easy thursday 7.5 to 8
fri rest
sat 10 miles half pace 68mins
sunday easy 5 7.5 to 8
When i have been running my 10k races i always seem to slow down second half and this makes me think i need more endurance training.
Hi robbie

is it possible to pop out a 4k time-trial for me so that I can more or less see which shape you in to train on a 10k program and then I will adapt it to encompass a 21k race as well, especially that you already have a 10 mile as your long run, we don't actually need to adapt that too much

the 2k session sorts out most problems with fading in a 10k Wink

what Rest were you taking between the 1k's

Till later
