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Full Version: Starting sub 50 minute 10K
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Hi There,
Started some sprint tri training about 9 months ago and am glad to set goals beyond finishing the race. With time for training being limited, running certainly has been the best investment of my time. My 5K is slightly under 25 minutes, and see I'm at a point where I need to add on some distance. I did Day 01 today, 60 minutes/6 miles and look forward to sticking with your program since I've never followed any set regimen. On the Day 3(9 min 50) and Day 8(4 min 45 to 4 min 50L), could you clarify what that means?
Also, on these days, does the Rest 90-2min mean slow to a very easy run? I'm just not accustomed to stopping during my runs.
Since I want to continue limited cycling/swimming, would you suggest I add that on the easy days of 30 min running? I would do either the cycling or the swimming depending on the weather.
I do have a heart monitor but have not found it helpful since I strive to push my limits to progress-it seemed to always work against that to be fixated on keeping my heart under a certain rate. However, perusing other threads proves its usefulness at this point of training. Great site-learning alot!
Do you encourage continuing a biweekly weight training program during this running regimen? In the past 9 months, it has helped me get significantly stronger though do not know if this would hinder advancement under your regimen. (Until 9 mos ago have not been involved in sports training-only activity in distant past was classical ballet which has been a great help with flexibility/stretching). Please advise.
thanks again,
Hi werebayou and welcome

Please note on Day 03 and Day 08

these days are quality session days and involve sessions termed 'speedwork'

you would run the distance prescribed and then REST either 60 seconds or 90 seconds or 2 minutes as prescribed

these sessions would be harder than anything you have previously experienced and are the backbone to the program

the value of these sessions will be seen within a very short time, depending on adaptation

in explanation to your question

9 min 50 seconds equals the time for the 2k run .. 4 minutes 55 seconds pace for 1000m times 2 = 9 min 50

Day 08 .. 1000m in 4 minutes 45 seconds to 4 minutes 50 seconds per 1000m

if need be please ask for further clarification

You may also continue with your weight training however we strongly advise not to do any leg strengthening exercises the day before and after the quality sessions

also consider using the heart rate monitor for the quality sessions providing pulse range for the 2000m and for during the rest interval

from that feedback we can tell you your training range for easy runs etc which are very handy in avoiding injuries and 'sickies'

Till your reply

Hi Ed!
It was a warm, wet, & muggy day so the outside track wasn't going to happen today. I resorted to my treadmill and set the pace to what seemed approximate to your program.

1'st 2K (1.24 miles: treadmill setting 7.2=8.20 miles/hour) 153-->88 rest
2'nd 2K(1.24 miles: treadmill setting 7.2=8.20 miles/hour) 160-->100 rest
3'rd 2K(1.24 miles: treadmill setting 6.9=8.42 miles/hour)170-->98 rest

I tend to push that first mile as fast as I can go, so this controlled setting helped me keep the pace better than I would have done outdoors.
'appreciate this-not knowing how I could ever keep this up for a 10K.
Hi werebayou

congrats on the first time out doing 'session'

the incredible thing is that you will be able to keep that pace for 10k once you have adapted to the rigours of 'proper' training and these sessions become easier

Nice going


ps.. will gather feedback over the next number of sessions to get accurate data of your pulse range