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Full Version: 10k race in 6 weeks, trying to set goal
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I'm running a 10k in 6 weeks, planning to do 2 3-week cycles between now and then. I've run the race before (39:30 last year), but haven't really trained for it. Trying to see how much I can lower my time with a concerted effort.

I started a couple weeks back and picked up in the middle of a cycle (to time the end of a cycle with race day). For reference, my paces have been:
3:58 for the 6x1k
20:16 for the 5k
87s for the 10x400m
41:59 for 10k (wasn't feeling great, bit of a cold bug)

Right now I'm in the easy days at the beginning of the cycle. Been doing my easy runs right around 5:00 pace.

Any thoughts on a reasonable goal for race day?
Hi EBFM and welcome to the forums

I note you did the 6 x 1k and not the 2k session Wink

from the 1k session it shows you need a little more work to get to the desired time of last year and maybe 6 weeks should be enough

please provide feedback of the easy runs and hopefully you can roll through this without any problems

Thanks, glad to be here.

Yeah, I jumped into the middle of a cycle, but just to time it to the race, not to skip the hard workouts!

Today was the 5x2k, splits were:

Hard workout, but I feel good afterward.

Easy runs have felt pretty comfortable at about 5:00-5:10 pace, but I don't wear a HR monitor so it's just by feel.

are you able to do the 6 x 1k tomorrow?


ps.. in other words, what have you got planned?
TheEd -

I can do 6 x 1k tomorrow if that's desirable. I've been just following the 40min plan as closely as possible (though I know my splits are a bit slower), so I did 5x2k on Sat, rest yesterday, and was planning the long run today, easy 30min tomorrow, easy 10k Wed, and the 1k's on Thursday.

FYI I'm in the US (not actually posting here at 4am...)

you can do the 1k session on Wednesdy, if need be

in the future cycles we will try to get it right, with the 2k session being on the Thursday and then the long run over the weekend and Tuesday the 1k session

for this cycle we keep rolling with the 1k Wednesday

ps.. thanks for the heads up about location
Okay, yesterday (Monday) I did the long run, 90 min at 5:20 pace. It felt very comfortable, and I took HR manually a couple times at about 145 (I'm 30 years old). Everything feels good today, no soreness or stiffness.

I'll do 30min easy today, then the 1k's tomorrow.

For what it's worth, it's not any advantage to me to do the long run on weekends, but I can move the schedule around. Track days on weekends are good as my local track is more available.

Also, race day is July 28.

Thanks for this .. OK .. so what you saying you best suited to doing the 2k session on a Saturday then Monday can be the long run and Wednesday Day 8 the 6 x 1k session

it is mainly this period that it is important to keep the training according to pattern

in week2 after the 1k session you can switch back

Thursday an easy run followed by Friday a day off and then a paced run on Saturday

would this be achievable, when are most of your events taking place, which days, Saturday or Sunday?


As it turns out, since it's summer now I think the track is available during the week. So I can do whatever schedule is best. Race day for me is Sunday.

Had a great 1k session this morning, probably could have pushed it harder but I tried to just run smooth. Splits were

For now I'll do Thursday, Friday, Saturday as you suggested.

looks to be a good session

be patient, roll through with the routine even if it feels too easy

and then we can up the game after the first cycle

ps.. enjoy