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I recently discovered this site as I was looking for a new training plan to get my 10K time down to 45 minutes this year. Last December I ran 49:40 and last Sunday ran 47:53 so I'm heading in the right direction!

I have used the Gipis IPhone App and that seemed to work quite well, but it's focus on speed work for the 3 weeks prior to the race possibly left me without the strength I needed and I lost time over km 5 and 6.

My splits were;

1 7:25.7 1.61 4:37
2 7:34.3 1.61 4:42
3 7:57.7 1.61 4:57
4 7:43.5 1.61 4:48
5 8:01.7 1.61 4:59
6 8:03.4 1.61 5:00
7 1:08.0 0.25 4:27

My thoughts were to change the 2km and 1 km split pace on your Sub 45 plan to something a bit closer to my current pace - so the 2K at 4:30 1km at 4:15 then reduce them as I hit them.
Is this a sensible approach?

My next race is on May 11th and is a flat 10K.

Any advice/suggestions/input will be gratefully received


Hi there Keith, welcome to the forums

the schedule is designed to achieve a specific training rhythm from Day 3 to Day 8 .. so if you want to do anything of value try consider doing those days

the times you mention as the pace seem decent, though you may find it difficult at first as it certainly requires focus

read here for the reasons / ideas behind the program

Thoughts behind the programs

please ask further questions for clarity

Hi Ed

Many thanks for the reply. I had read the background to the programme and that was part of the reason I'm keen to give it a try.

I did start last week, but picked up a niggle in my hip on the second 2K on Thursday that by the third one had me only able to hobble, so I've rested and feel ready to start again today with the 70 mins easy run.

My plan is for the 4 x 2K on Wednesday and I'll post my splits on here once that session is completed - hopefully it will give an idea of direction for the next few sessions.


instead of focusing too much on the pace focus on completing the session feeling positive

you can still get the benefit of the pace work

First 10K pace development session completed! Set an arbitrary target of 4:50 per km as I had no idea how I'd perform and I was aware of your advice to focus on completing the session feeling positive.

It was VERY hard and I know now I probably went too quick on the first set, probably because I was buzzing to get started.

Splits were;

Rep Time Km Av Pace
1 9:14.3 2.00 4:37
2 9:48.9 2.00 4:54
3 10:00.6 2.00 5:00
3 10:06.3 2.00 5:02

Happy to get the first session marker down and ready to move on now with the next sessions

Keith .. how are you planning the balance of days for days 3 to Day 8

what have you got coming up next?

Hi Ed,

Was going to follow the plan to the letter.

Rest today

90 mins tomorrow easy pace 9:15/mile ish pace around the roads including some hills

Saturday I have entered the 6th Trail race my wife - 6K trail run, but looks like work has scuppered that so will do an easy 30 mins

Easy 30 on Sunday

1K reps on Monday at a pace to be decided 😄

OK great .. if you do this in the future we will try balance it that Thursday is the 2k then long run over weekend and 1k session Tuesday

but for now, this should be fine

enjoy ..

ps.. the 1k session is normally 10 seconds per k quicker than the 2000's
Long run done today

Distance -10.3mi, Moving Time 1:37:55, Pace 9:33/mi, Elevation 1,338ft, Avg HR: 148 bpm

Bit slower than my planned 9:15/mi but tried to keep the pace steady

how things going your side

how has the 1k session gone

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