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Full Version: 10k progression running 3-4 times a week
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Hi Thor, we also move to treadmills during the winter and we don't focus to 'stringently' on pulse when on the treadmill as it can vary

it is still more or less the same approach however it varies in athletes on how they cope on the treadmill, some find it easier than outdoors while others find the treadmill tough

and especially on the calf muscles to start with, so be wary of not over doing things while adapting to the new surface

To be honest, I find jogging on the mill to be tedious compared to running outside, so until snow falls, I'll be doing my training outside. Long term goal is to run a race next spring. I have had many opportunities for racing this season, but I think I'm just to much of a coward to commit. This must change!  Tongue
Thor, I highly recommend finding a local Park Run to get involved in, that is a great way to work your way back to races/events

enjoy TheEd
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