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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - Printable Version

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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 05-03-2018

Hi TheEd

thanks for your post quiet pleased how the race went.
I set off at 3.48 to 3.50 pace knowing what was coming at 4k onward.
I kept a good controlled pace through the race and placed 7th overall and 2nd in the age group.

Now i am looking at racing Sunday as i feel fresh this morning hopped out for an easy 45 mins.

I have two choices a 7k or a 10.5k I wont scale down any training for this and run it as part of the 3 week cycle.(replacing the 2k intervals in this case)

I would like a firm 18 min 5k and try and build on it from there.
The heat is now an issue i saw a few harden Thais left sat in the road yesterday the heat found them out.

Not sure what your thoughts on the 7 or 10k but i know they will both have value to run on a say flat course.

all for now

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 07-03-2018

sounds good Jon

onwards and forwards


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 07-03-2018

Thanks the Ed

Really like to get a measure on how things are going this weekend before getting stuck into the 3 week cycles until April now.
Will update with a time on Sunday.
Quite fancy 7k race.
over and out.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 09-03-2018

Hi TheEd
Think i am going to shoot for sub 38 10k Sunday and take it from there.
My Data is showing a good solid 40 miles a week or 64k for us Europeans.

Not sure if to go on a build up after or ride the wave and push the times back down to 35 min 10k.

speak soon when i have got a time for you.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 11-03-2018

Hi TheEd

Well I can say things are moving forward at a good steady rate
Set off nice and steady and worked my way through the field.
Gps was a bit all over the place but taking a high end 37 min 10k out of the deal.As my finish time was 38.29 at 10.2 k
Think that's allows me to move to the sub 35 program as i was doing the sub 40 before.
Will rest monday and keen to get going now.
All for now.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 13-03-2018

nice to hear all things are positive Jon

on we go


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 15-03-2018

Hi Ed,

not sure what pace to do the 2k repeats as said i did 38.07 ish for the 10k so thinking around 3.44 per k would that be OK?

all for now.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 15-03-2018

Hi Jon, start with 3.50 per k, look to do 5, and after 3, then consider 3.45 per k

enjoy the session more than anything


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 16-03-2018

Thanks Ed,
will give it my all Sunday and see how it goes.
As you may well know rabies is a big factor in Thailand at the moment so having to pick my places to run very carefully.

I have a section of quiet road near the lake that is 1.8k from crash barrier to crash barrier.

My thoughts are to run 1.6k at 3.45 per k and try and do the 5 as 2k will not work out because of the crash barrier.

I did 4x1k @3.35 this morning just wanted to see if i had recovered from last week Seems i have and ready to push on this Sunday.

Will race again 1st April looking for a firm 37 10k next run.
all for now with thanks.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 17-03-2018

Hi Ed,

Thinking about things it makes no sense to do another hard session one day later will shoot for 18k long run in the morning and look to do the 2ks in Bangkok on Tuesday.(on the track after school).

least i can run them not worrying about rabid dogs and the like.
all for now