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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - Printable Version

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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 10-01-2014

great to hear Jon .. having the knowledge of how the cycles work and how there is a direct translation from how you train to how you race and how to control everything can bring great running enjoyment

enjoy the experience


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 10-01-2014

Hi Ed,
thanks very much for your post just going to go for a 30 min jog this morning think it helps me really. I've reduced the volume this week anyway so a small jog will be good. I think there is a wealth of information on the internet these days that really give you a fuller understanding how to train. I know where my stumbling blocks where now and its took a very long time to realize it. I don't actually know how I got down to 30 mins 10k the way I did because I was allover the place changing workouts racing all manner of things think I was very young and lucky my body took to it. racing half marathon weekend after weekend and thinking nothing of it very nieve only thinking your doing the right thing as club mates egg you on. oh dear oh dear.WinkHaving said that looking forward to a tare up Sunday. Regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 11-01-2014


that's the way we roll


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 12-01-2014

Hi Ed,
would like to open up by saying a big thank you for your help over the last few years things are starting to happen. Had a great race cat and mouse all the way with a young thai which resulted in me been 2nd over all which I am very pleased about was strong up till 9k where I lost by 22 seconds but not worried about that. What I would like to ask is that I race again on the road on the 26th so training ie 2nd cycle will be interfered with. Would I be best off running mile reps next week? and a long run? then jump on to week 3 been race week not idea but I suppose I did it to my self regards jon.Wink

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 12-01-2014

congrats Jon .. recovery and then Tuesday an aerobic run up to 1hr and or 75 minutes if recovering well

we can put a variation session in this coming Thursday consisting of

2 x 2k @ 10k pace Rest 90 seconds followed by 4 x 1k Rest 60 seconds (we can discuss effort before session)

a controlled pace run Saturday and you ready to roll

then we can chat about the run down in the last week

ps.. great to see you chuffed

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 12-01-2014

Hi Ed
many thanks for your post will follow the plan..and yes i am chuffed its been a long time since ive run like this so it means alot thankyou and i do think theres moor coming out in the next few as you say onward.s and forwards 40 mins for the 11.5k is the
target speak soon regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 12-01-2014

Hi Ed,
just heading out the door shortly for a nice bike ride thought it would be nice to recover riding around the lake and take in a bit of fresh air and prepare myself for this week. Just thought to ask about the times for the 2k reps and 1 k reps to put it all together for Thursday. I would guess 3.30 per k over the 2k reps and maybe 3.25 for the 1k reps is what you would tell me but will wait out on that. Also we are looking at a pace run so that's a 5k @ 17.30 or so? speak soon and thanks again jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 13-01-2014

learn to 'spin' correctly and how to sit, then cycling can be used effectively for recovery. Not 'GYM' spinning, try not to work the quadriceps, only cardiovascular

the session pace sounds reasonable, consider starting the 5k paced closer towards 18 minutes and accelerate to 17.30 pace

please ask for clarity


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 13-01-2014

Hi Ed,
had my thinking cap on and trying to hatch a plan on a few things really firstly would you see me do the 4x1k closer to 3.15-3-20 pace? I like this workout reminds me when I was running them in 3.45 per k:laugh:The other thing I've got going on is a ten mile race 16th march or a 5 miler hard to say which to do but only to say it all crosses with a duathlon which I've never done before but somehow fancy it Which would be 5k run 20k bike 10k run which I feel is well do able and have two months to train for. What I would say is would this mess my 10k training up? if so its a no go want to push the 10k times down before moving up the distance. As for the 5k pace run ill go for 18mins then speed up I wanted to run the race like this also. I think the negative splits are the way to go on this. Speak soon and regards Jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 13-01-2014

don't look to go too fast in the 1k's .. max out at 3.20 .. no need currently to go faster

as for the duathlon .. that is quite a tough mix, with a 10k run last .. if you learn to cycle as mentioned above, then we can mix cycling in as a recovery / aerobic session quite easily

so certainly something that can be done
