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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - Printable Version

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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 19-10-2014

Hi ED,
wanted to round up with a few things and forward planning before going back on cycle. This week was mainly recovery after last weeks race with a bit of hilly fartlek and a steady run of 5 miles this morning at 3.57 per k so 31.36 nice and steady with plenty left. The next seven to ten days will be a case of doing what ever I can leading on to time trial at the end of the month and then cycle leading up to racing on the 30th of November. So its damage limitation week no doute I will find a way to sweat! speak soon and regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 20-10-2014

on we go Jon

here's to successful plans and achieving the goals

al die beste


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 28-10-2014

Hi ED,
just to say i am back in the land of the living didn't miss too much training i got 3 easy runs of 1 hour on a treadmill and one long run of 1.30 on the treadmill it was a very old bit of kit so plodded at 11k per hour.Monday i got up 4.30 am before heading to the air port where i found a private road near an army base and ran a hilly fartlek on it.I wanted to keep things simple and just run the hill recover and stride out again.Got a good sweet on and was tired after the session.Today i did 45 mins easy to recover from all the travel and early mornings.So moving on and half planning to race 30th November if work does not come first.Think a time trial is on the cards at the end of the month and on to cycle from there.All is well regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 28-10-2014

wow .. dedicated Smile

hope you able to have an easier ride now


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 28-10-2014

Thanks ED,
It's true to say i will go to any lengths to keep the running going excuses and been lazy wont win a thing.So 1hr easy this morning a rest day thursday and look to run the time trial and get on cycle.Slim chance i might race sunday but either way want a bench mark to work off.Speak soon regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 29-10-2014

Hi ED looks i will skip the time trial Saturday and race 10k Sunday there is also a hard 10 mile race on the same venue but obviously this wont help get a time too build on so will update Sunday after the race regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 29-10-2014

good stuff


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 02-11-2014

Hi ED,
wanted to round up with my race Saturday I got 2nd overall the guy who beat me was off like a rocket, Sadly no prizes for 2nd place winner takes all 1000 pounds and a holiday in a 5 star hotel. I ran well and very controlled effort it was extremely hot by 8am so knew better than to hurt myself. Again slight frustration about the course as it was four laps and found myself constantly bobbing and weaving around people as it was a parkland type race.41 mins for the 10 11k what ever it was??. I went easy this morning as a recovery run 1 hour easy tomorrow and then on to cycle. I am going to set my stall out at 7.10 to 715 per 2k and see how I go. I think also I will aim for 3.15-3.20 per k on the 1k reps. The build up has really helped my aerobic base as I feel pretty good this morning or it maybe just that I didn't hurt myself yesterday. Next race will be the 23rd over 10.5k hopefully a bit more runner friendly still feeling happy that things are moving forward and positive. Will update again after the 2k reps are in the bag so speak soon and regards jon.Wink

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 02-11-2014

good to see you in a good space .. be kind to yourself Wink

don't focus too much on the accuracy of the time but looking to do the 5 x 2k session and come off it feeling confident

then having a go at the 1k session

nice to see you feeling confident


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 03-11-2014

Thanks Ed,
going to keep it simple and roll through the program long run tomorrow so on we go. Hopefully get a good session on the 5x2k just want to finish it and post you the data what's going on. All in all feeling ready to step up and move on. Speak soon regards jon.