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Training to run a half marathon - Printable Version

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Training to run a half marathon - QuentinG - 07-07-2014

Hi Ed
Walked and ran easy on Saturday and fealt good will do a cycle on Monday Weight at the moment around 85 to 86 kg legs look and feel a lot more solid Injury free at the moment which is good The program has really been enjoyable and good Thanks heap Ed
from Q

Training to run a half marathon - QuentinG - 14-07-2014

Hello Ed
Ran easy the whole week
Monday 45min easy
Tuesday rest
Wednesday 45min easy
Thursday easy 50min with 5min walk
Friday rest
Saturday 75min
Sunday light weight session
Feeling good legs fine
I don t know if i was suppose to do 1km session on Tuesday was not sure If so I will do them on this week Tuesday
Otherwise all good race in 6 weeks time
Thanks Ed from Q

Training to run a half marathon - TheEd - 14-07-2014

QG .. did you actually run 75 minutes in total or did you split it up?

do the 6 x 1k session tomorrow

Chat soon


Training to run a half marathon - QuentinG - 14-07-2014

Hello Ed
The Saturday run was broken up 5min walk 40 min run 5min walk 25min run.I run between 5min 25 to 5min 45 per km on these runs is that ok feel comfortable at this pace Tuesday will do 6 x 1km session and then rest Wednesday Weight this week still around the 85kg mark
Thanks Ed from Q

Training to run a half marathon - TheEd - 15-07-2014

OK good .. we can pencil in a 4k time-trial shortly

and we can move the 40 minutes up to 60 minutes without rest shortly


ps.. get you to 90 minutes, 1 run and then that area is sorted

Training to run a half marathon - QuentinG - 15-07-2014

Hi Ed
Did a 1.5km warm up some strides and then ran 6 x 1km
(1)......4min 15 sec
(4)......4min 10sec
(6)......4min 18 sec
The last one had a bit of a bite to it but felt good at end of session I have been wearing these compression socks and they seem to be working I tried to keep the session equal Will run easy on Wednesday and then rest on Thursday
Thanks Ed from Q

Training to run a half marathon - TheEd - 15-07-2014

do active recovery .. swim or cycle on Wednesday

Thursday we can look to have a run then

chat tomorrow


Training to run a half marathon - QuentinG - 27-07-2014

Hello Ed wow busy week work, family (ect)
Last Sunday ran 75min easy no rest felt good
Monday rest
Tuesday ran a paced 7km run in about 35min felt good legs fine
Wednesday easy 50min run no walking
Thursday ran easy 45min
Friday rest
Saturday ran our local Park Run 22.40 for 5km felt good
Sunday ran 90 min non stop thanks Ed
From Q

Training to run a half marathon - TheEd - 27-07-2014

Quentin .. nice going, but be careful, there is no need to rush things just because the half marathon is coming up

3 sessions a week will be plain running .. we still maintain the walk wherever we can

what have you got planned for next week family wise Wink

was it a hard 22 minute 5km?

would like to do 5 x 2k session around Thursday

then a longer run on the weekend

in-between is not that important and you can still do 1 walk / run during the week

swimming and cycling are fine as well, however not the day before the 2k session or the long run on Saturday

over to you


Training to run a half marathon - QuentinG - 30-07-2014

Hi Ed
The 5km Park Run last Saturday was good started slow the 1st 2km and then picked up felt ok Just breathing a bit heavy Weight still around 85-86kg mark Legs a lot thinner but feel good ,top body can lose a bit more
My long runs are done easy around 5.30 to 5.45 per km Mostly around hills and off road Its great to be back i know that i will get fitter and faster again with your help and program . I am really enjoying the training and looking fgorward to some good races this summer and next year
Thanks a lot Ed
From Q