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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - Printable Version

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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 05-04-2016

Hi Ed,
Just a few lines to say i ran 3x1 mile today the heat in singapore.I found a track dispite been tired from traveling etc and only managed 5.45 pace it was a token guesture on a tired and hot body so did something rather than nothing.
Heading to indonesia tommorrow so hopefully get out of the heat for the 6x1 k on the treadmill.Would have used the treadmill in the hotel here but its-max speed is 15kph! So that was a no go!
All for now regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 06-04-2016

Hope the travel and training can combine well


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 06-04-2016

Thanks ED,
Things should settle down in a few days still training so that's something even if it's not 100% on the script!

Plenty of time before the next race as this could be a long job now.
all for now regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 11-04-2016

things sound positive and it augers well going forward

go well


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 11-04-2016

Thanks ED,
Took an extra rest day today as i just feel tired and will keep rolling through the program taking extra rest where needed!
Think the long runs make me a bit more tired than any other training.
10k easy on tueday and then 6x1 k wednesday hopefully around the 3.15 mark.
Will update again soon everything going well no stress or hassle regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 12-04-2016

Hi ED,
just to update the 1k reps i did them on a treadmill in cooler climate.
5)3.15 some how feel i can control it and hang on better on a treadmill as the pace is dictated to you.
Was a tough session hence only 5 but pleased i could get that far maybe if i slowed them down to 3.20 per k i could do the 6th.
all for now regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 17-04-2016

Hi ED,
Just to say i did the 5k pace run at 3.42 per k yestoday as i felt tired before hand.I would say this session was probley too slow but very doable and well controlled.

Thinking the time to let fly is at the end of the cycle when i replace the race with a 4k time trial.
All for now regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 18-04-2016

sounds good Jon

you sound in control and relaxed

which is a good thing


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 18-04-2016

Thanks ED,
feel as tho i am starting to get somewhere now with a very relaxed attitude and dare i say enjoying it.Will do the 400s tomorrow and plan the time trial Sunday not sure what is best 4k 5k or 8k to get a mark to see how the cycle went?
I think we agreed to have a down week after followed by two weeks build up afterwards if that still stands will do that and post a time for one of the above distances this coming Sunday.
All in all things are starting to happen think by July i will be ready to put a good race in.
All for now regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 20-04-2016

Hi Ed,
The 400s went well all where complete in 75 struggled a bit towards the end thinking about the time trial now regards jon.