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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - Printable Version

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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 21-04-2016

enjoy the time-trial

hope it is above all, enjoyable


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 21-04-2016

Thanks ED,
in truth will struggle to enjoy a time trial as i see it as a test of improvment i wont get too bound tight about it but feel that i am treating it as a race and want to go as quick as i can.Will post on sunday how it went just hope i can improve even if it is a few seconds regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 23-04-2016

hope it goes well Jon


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 24-04-2016

Hi ED,
wanted to round up the 3 week cycle with mostly good feeling.I got a bit sick a few days ago sore throat and coughing which is on the mend but enough to derail my 4k time trial which i had been building up too.I got to 800 meters into the time trial and felt off So i backed it off and settled for playing safe!

Had a good cycle this time so will take the good points away and go on to the down week as planned.I think all ends up the down week is coming at the right time when feeling a bit under the weather.

So to that end will do an easy week and move on to a two week build up as planned the back on to 3 week cycle.
Should be somewhere near going home by the time ive worked through that little lot so on wards and forwards as they say regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 24-04-2016

Hi ED,
wanted to round up the 3 week cycle with mostly good feeling.I got a bit sick a few days ago sore throat and coughing which is on the mend but enough to derail my 4k time trial which i had been building up too.I got to 800 meters into the time trial and felt off So i backed it off and settled for playing safe!

Had a good cycle this time so will take the good points away and go on to the down week as planned.I think all ends up the down week is coming at the right time when feeling a bit under the weather.

So to that end will do an easy week and move on to a two week build up as planned then back on to 3 week cycle.
Should be somewhere near going home by the time ive worked through that little lot so on wards and forwards as they say regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 02-05-2016

Hi Ed,
just to say moving on too the two week build up. Been a bit under the weather last week so had three days of no running last week and four days of easy 45 minutes.Sure things will come right got four more weeks to push here hopefully time will go quick and can make some gains.
over and out.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 13-05-2016

Hi ED,
Soon to be back to the land of the living had a bit of a nightmare.Had a virus which forced me to stop and take it easy!
Last week ran very little only very easy running.
This week has been a bit better i thought why not see how i feel over 8k so ran at a steady pace 3.44per k surprized really felt really good and relaxed so thinking that i will go back on the sub 35 program monday when i get home.
Over and out.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 13-05-2016

take care Jon and don't be in too much of a rush to get back to shape, let it come naturally


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 13-05-2016

Thanks ED,
Will be very careful dont want any more hospital visit so will keep it easy!
The heat of thailand is another factor to deal with so won't do anything silly.
Just nice to be going home regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 18-05-2016

Hi Ed,
Heading home today thankfully i did 5x1k this morning at 3.20 per k did not push too hard just keep it together and soaked up the session.
Hopefully not lost too much fitness and can make waves over the next few months.
All for now jon.