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break 38 - RunSam - 04-02-2009

Hello TheEd,

I did tuesdays 6x1000m yesterday, here is the data. I found it tough again really struggled to maintain the higher speed.
I ran the session on the flatest road I could find.

1) 3mins 57
max pulse 170
av 159
pulse after R60 108

2) 4mins 03
max pulse 173
av 165
pulse after R60 110

3) 4mins 19
max pulse 171
av 161
pulse after R60 110

4) 4mins 22
max pulse 172
av 162
pulse after R60 119

5) 4mins 28
max pulse 170
av 161
pulse after R60 120

6) 4mins 26
max pulse 174
av 162
pulse after R60 120

I gave it my all but I just don't have the speed there yet.
What do you think?

break 38 - TheEd - 04-02-2009

RunSam don't take this to heart

your body is taking longer to get back into running and if you could please give feedback of your waking pulse over the next 3 days and we can see how you recovering etc

If things go right you should hopefully bounce back within the next 10 days but please do provide feedback


break 38 - RunSam - 05-02-2009

Hi TheEd,

I realise it is very early still in this program and the speed should start to come soon. I have confidence in youSmile
I will take my waking pulse over next 3 mornings.
Is it normal to have some discomfort in calves after a hard session? I still have pain there from tuesdays session.


break 38 - TheEd - 05-02-2009

Hi RunSam

the sore calves could go back to the indoor session of the 2000's

where did you do the 1000's on indoor track or treadmill?



break 38 - RunSam - 05-02-2009

Just done my session 10 (1hr easy)

Distance 10km
55min 08 sec
max hr 151
av hr 130
pace 5.31 per km

The 2000s where done on a 200m indoor track, and I had some pain the next day after that session.
I am not limping I can walk and run fine with it, I just thought I should mention it.

break 38 - RunSam - 05-02-2009

The 1000s I did out on the street, the flatest 1km of tarmac I could find locally.

break 38 - RunSam - 05-02-2009

(Saturdays 5k paced run- aim sub 20.00)
I think that I will be running this at race pace to hit this time. Is it ok to run this session so hard?

break 38 - TheEd - 05-02-2009

you do need to watch the calves as it can be directly related to overuse injuries

when the calf muscles tighten they put stress on the lower legs, ie. shins which then can lead to shin splints

so please take note of Shinsplints

read through the data there so u can monitor your calves and avoid further problems



break 38 - RunSam - 07-02-2009

Hi The Ed,

Waking pulse for previous 3 days, 41, 43, 41.

Just did my day 12 paced 5k run.
total time was 20.53
av pulse 162
max 174

I could not go any faster.
I think I just need to be patient and the times will start to improve. This is only day 12 of my first program. I restarted the last one after I was ill.

break 38 - TheEd - 08-02-2009

RunSam when do you have your races planned for?

This is not altogether bad as you have had interrupted cycles and have yet to complete a full 3 week cycle

this program relies heavily on consistency

and with that said 20.53 is not terrible especially at that pulse

your waking pulse seems fine

how is your body feeling at this moment?

Maybe a few days light running should be in order and we restart the cycle next week, all depending on feedback regarding races

