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Hello Ed,

Currently, I'm doing another variant of training, lowering the intensity a fair bit (not running at race pace at intervals, but low threshold)
I also have more threshold workouts pr week, Tuesday and Thursday in the wintertime, and sometimes I also do a threshold version on skiis on Saturdays.

My next plan for testing will be outdoors once the winter gets dry, the plan will be to run a 5k or a 10k.
Before that, I will start the exact race program since it will build more anaerobic fitness, which I don't train too much at atm.
Most likely this test will be in March/Early April.

15kph now feels like half marathon speed (it feels like high aerobic training), what a huge difference the system is at now compared to early September.
For instance, yesterday i ran a 8 x 1000m at 15 - 15.4 kph with 60sec recovery and the highest average bpm was 168 (last one and "fast" one) all other intervals are from 148-161 bpm ave.
The day before this interval I ran an easy run at 4:59 pr km (12,6km) with 145 average hr (hilly).
Even with only a 60sec break i don't do much breathing when jumping off during the intervals.

Best regards
Hi Kyuss .. the programs work on cycles, so an off-period is recommended

followed by a build-up according to future plans

currently athletes in the Finnish group are doing running at around (on average) 140 and not going over 150 bpm when outside weather allows or skiing with pulse around 130 bpm and not over 140

enjoy your running


The easy runs for me is now more based on feeling, days i feel good i go with the flow and run faster, but i hold a back so i don't go a lot over 150, and I tend to be way below 150 and closer too 135-142.
Some days i feel that the body needs recovery and then i run with 120-133 average at very slow speed, it feels like junk miles but it probably helps.
Based on my max pulse my 150 is some of my friends 140, which made good sense to me after a while.

How is the Finnish training group training now in the wintertime, what cycle are they running now?
Do they mostly run treadmill or do they mix with cross country skiing? how many runs should one have in a week if one is also skiing?

Best regards
Hi Kyuss, I sadly missed this post

the group has been having to play it by ear with gyms being shut and then not great outdoor weather .. so they have been doing what they can

good news is that I have started training, to show them how to run in terrible weather Wink


Long time since the last update. 
Have continued the training routine and ran a 10k road race yesterday with a new PB, official result was 38:47.
I raced a bit conservative in the beginning and could have taken more seconds of my old pb but i took no chances, it was also windy on the return when i had no back to follow, felt strong.
Attaching the Stryd laps so you can see.

Have a nice day.
Nice to hear from you Kyuss


this is a very well run race

most impressive pace judgement with ideal first and last km

excellent TheEd
Thank you.
Looking forward to more training now.

My 5km paced the week before the race was 18:58 min (on a track) in massive rain weather, 176 bpm average hr and it felt as i could hold it for 5 more km.
And my last 6 x 1k with 60 sec rest was done at an average at 3:35 m/km with the last k on 3:25 m/km
Hi Kyuss, you seem to have the understanding of the cycles and in saying that, a further secret is not to push the paces up but instead to focus on improving in all the different areas. Such as recovery in-between sessions, achieving the long runs with the minimum of hassle. Once this is achieved you can then push the pace of the specific sessions up

all looking good now

enjoy TheEd
Thank you. 

Sometimes it's hard to hold back when you feel good, I have been training smarter this year using a lactate meter, intensity control, and internal feeling.
I let things out on the last kilometer on the last 6 x 1k session because I felt very good, and the day after I did not feel any stiffness in my legs. 
I have included a weekly long run on 22km, my heartrate and endurance have improved drastically because of this, I think Sub 1:25 Half marathon is within reach in the shape i'm in now.
Considering to join the Copenhagen Half Marathon in September and see what is possible.

My legs were also completely fine yesterday, I think it's because I only pushed the pace high in the last kilometer of the race.
Hi Kyuss, how have you found training during the current heat

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