15-10-2012, 10:37 PM
Yesterday's trail completed
Really tough course, but it was very cool to run in the dunes. It was all there... sand, stairs, fences, a strong headwind on the beach, more sand, and, most importantly, a pint of beer straight after the finish. :tonguepop:
Time: 01:33:21
Distance: 14.2
Av. Pace: 6.34
AHR: 178 BPM
MHR: 200 BPM
Total climbing(and thus descending): 151m (according to my garmin)
On the flat and descending parts of the race I tried to get my HR back to ~170 BPM. This proved to be a very good tactic. :great:
Now on with the next cycle. Next race is in 5 weeks, so I would like to do the first 2 weeks of the program until the 5k paced and then start on a new 3week-cycle.
Today I played some tennis, tomorrow I'll go for 30-40 min easy and on wednesday I do Core Stability Training.
Thursday will be the 3x2k session with 4.30/k rest 90.
A short impression of the trail can be found here
Really fun to finish like that

Time: 01:33:21
Distance: 14.2
Av. Pace: 6.34
AHR: 178 BPM
MHR: 200 BPM
Total climbing(and thus descending): 151m (according to my garmin)
On the flat and descending parts of the race I tried to get my HR back to ~170 BPM. This proved to be a very good tactic. :great:
Now on with the next cycle. Next race is in 5 weeks, so I would like to do the first 2 weeks of the program until the 5k paced and then start on a new 3week-cycle.
Today I played some tennis, tomorrow I'll go for 30-40 min easy and on wednesday I do Core Stability Training.
Thursday will be the 3x2k session with 4.30/k rest 90.
A short impression of the trail can be found here
Really fun to finish like that