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Women only events by Cassandra Davis

Women Only Events

Women Only Events

All over the world a trend towards creating races for women only is on the rise. This was very evident in the increase in total from 5 000 in 2004 to 7 894 participants in the 9th edition of the French “La Parisienne” race held on September 18 2005. [Read more…]

The doggone Olympic marathon road

Athens Marathon

Athens Marathon

With the Olympic games just a few weeks away, there is till much bad press about whether all the infrastructures will be ready in time, despite the escalated budget for the games. But what’s the rundown on the marathon route? [Read more…]

Women Links

Women Links

The links for the women’s section, if you would like to have your link of interest listed here, please feel free to contact us.

For now two events that Dennis O’Reilly feels may be appealing to the women runner :

These links will most probably be moved at a later date, however for now view them while they are in the links for the women’s section.

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