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Prepare for your first 5 kilometre event

prepare first 5km

Prepare First 5k  – Well done. You have made it. You have progressed through the beginners program | thebeginning + week 3 and on | and now you are ready to take a step up to that next level. You are totally honest with yourself and you are able to jog 30 minutes without stopping? You can do that, can’t you?

On to first 5 kilometre event

We don’t want you to make all these steps forward and then come crashing down because you are not ready to progress to the next level.

To start with find out about local 5 km routes and take a peek at where you are going to run ‘your first 5km’. Whatever, you do whether you run on your own or if you want to take part in a timed 5km, it all counts as preparing for your first 5km event.

There is still no rush and because you have come this far, it does not mean you have got it made. You must continue to do your warm up routine as well as monitor your legs. Be wise before and not in retrospect.

Now is a good time to learn about the ‘TALK TEST’. | see below |

Let the routine begin. You will now move forward to 4 times a week exercising.

Week 1 will consist of the following :

  • day 1 = on this day you will attempt to jog/run for the full 30 minutes
  • day 2 = Rest which consists of stretching as well as looking at our strength routine – look don’t touch
  • day 3 = on this day you will attempt to jog/run for the full 30 minutes
  • day 4 = go for a 30 – 40 minute brisk walk with warm up routine
  • day 5 = on this day you will attempt to jog/run for the full 30 minutes
  • day 6 = choose an exercise from the strength routine and repeat x 10
  • day 7 = Rest – NA NA nothing – enjoy

Week 2 will consist of the following : start by telling somebody you love them, then look forward to the week’s schedule.

  • day 1 = on this day you will jog/run for the full 30 minutes. After the run ask yourself how you felt during the run and whether you enjoyed it.
  • day 2 = choose 2 exercises from the strength routine and repeat x 10
  • day 3 = jog/run for 15min then 5min at the pace you would like to run your 5km’s in then followed by 10min easy jogging.
  • day 4 = Rest with stretching and 2 strength exercises x 10 repeats
  • day 5 = jog/run for 30 minutes
  • day 6 = 30-40min brisk walk + 2 strength exercises x 10 repeats
  • day 7 = you have heard it before NA NA

If you asking yourself the question, why do I need to walk, now ? Well, it is still time on your feet and your legs need to adapt to the extra day.

Week 3 will consist of the following :

  • day 1 = 5min jog/run then 15min at the pace you would like to run your 5km in, then followed by 10min easy jogging.
  • day 2 = Rest with stretching and 3 strength exercises x 10 repeats
  • day 3 = an easy day. Only 30min jog/run. Can you see your improvement, if not then you need return to week 2 of this schedule.
  • day 4 = 30-40min brisk walk + 2 strength exercises x 10 repeats
  • day 5 = 30-40min light jog/run ‘TALK TEST’. | see below |
  • day 6 = REST – NA NA nothing – enjoy
  • day 7 = Rest with stretching and 3 strength exercises x 10 repeats

The final week. At the end of this week you will run a 5km event, either a route on your own or if you daring enough you will find a time-trial or other. Don’t put pressure on yourself. When we said ‘prepare for your first 5km event’, we actually meant that it is an event in itself that you are preparing for 5km. You have come a long way, so there is no need not to go forward.

Week 4 will consist of the following :

  • day 1 = 5min jog/run then 15min at the pace you would like to run your 5km in, then followed by 10min easy jogging.
  • day 2 = Rest with stretching and 3 strength exercises x 10 repeats
  • day 3 = Rest with stretching and 3 strength exercises x 10 repeats
  • day 4 = 20 min light jog/run ‘TALK TEST’. | see below | with exercises after
  • day 5 = REST – NA NA nothing – enjoy
  • day 6 = REST – with a stretching routine
  • day 7 = Go for your PACED 5km run and enjoy.

Talk Test
The TALK TEST is the best way to monitor yourself while jogging/running. If you are not able to talk to someone while running then you are exercising too quickly. Slow down to a talk.

For Printable Program : Click here

WELL DONE..If you like you can drop us an email to let us know how it went…

Once you have graduated to running your first paced 5K, you may then move to the next stage.

Prepare for your first 8 kilometre event

Author: Gavin Doyle


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