Welcome to the Omega section
Omega Fatty Acids – a Hype or Help?
Take a tour of any supermarket today, and you will be struck by the number of margarine tubs, cooking oils and even yogurts and eggs that have “Omega 3 or 6” either in their brand name or added in big letters to the packaging. … [Read More...]
Omega Fatty Acids – What are Omega fatty acids?
There are two essential fatty acids that contribute to a healthier heart and they are part of the so-called “omega” grouping. Linoleic acid is one of the omega-6 fat family, and alpha-linolenic acid is a member of the omega-3 fat family. Both of these fats are PUFAs, and have appeared in the news for their health … [Read More...]
Side Effects and Legal aspects of Omega
Are there any side effects? The greatest risk of fish oil omega-3 supplementation is heavy metal poisoning by the body's accumulation of traces of heavy metals which may be found especially in less refined fish oil supplements. … [Read More...]
This article continues on from Article 1 - Energy Sources Fats Fats are also considered … [Read More...]
This article will list and discuss the various energy sources available which supply … [Read More...]
Eating disorders are not just a female problem. Eight percent of elite male athletes in … [Read More...]
Take a tour of any supermarket today, and you will be struck by the number of margarine … [Read More...]
There are two essential fatty acids that contribute to a healthier heart and they are part … [Read More...]
Fat Reduction Pills will not make your heart stronger, will not increase your other … [Read More...]
In response to the article [ vitamins explored Vit C ] on the harmfulness of Vit C inre … [Read More...]
Welcome to 'essential minerals'. Here you will find tips to make the most out of the … [Read More...]
This article will list and discuss the various energy sources available which supply … [Read More...]
What are carbohydrates? All carbohydrates are made up from sugars. There are a number … [Read More...]
Most athletes know the importance of carbohydrates. And many see their main source coming … [Read More...]
The need for carbohydrates - Running for over 90-120 minutes at race pace can totally … [Read More...]
There are two essential fatty acids that contribute to a healthier heart and they are part … [Read More...]
Take a tour of any supermarket today, and you will be struck by the number of margarine … [Read More...]
What is the best source and what is the correct dose? Omega fatty acids can be … [Read More...]
There is much research emerging showing the benefits of fatty acids, including an … [Read More...]