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What are the Recent Trends in Fitness Apps?

We’re taking exercise more seriously than ever and with apps it’s getting even easier. Let’s take a look at recent trends in fitness apps! On your marks, get set, go! … [Read more...]

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Weight Loss Strategy

Running is a great form of exercise for weight loss. However, many people make mistakes that sabotage their weight loss efforts. … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Choosing a Fitness App to Track Your Runs

Fitness apps for smartphones are now more popular than ever. Here are five useful tips for choosing the best fitness app to track your runs. … [Read more...]

Great Ways to Be There for Beginner Runners

Taking up running can be extremely intimidating, especially if you’ve never been a runner before As a beginner, having the support of friends and family can make all the difference in sticking with it, even if they are not runners … [Read more...]

What Does an Olympic Marathon Runner’s Training Look Like?

Whether you're training for a 5K, 10K, half or full marathon, there are certain things a runner will do in their typical daily training session. … [Read more...]