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Benefits of Exercise in the mental health of athletes

running mental health
It is estimated that about 26% of American adults have a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. It is also common to find some that suffer from more than one disorder at the same time.

Benefits of Exercise in the mental health of athletes

Most people visit a psychologist whenever they are facing mental challenges. Even though visiting a psychologist is good, you may also find that you can solve some of the mental challenges you face through simple exercises like running. The following are some of the mental health benefits you get when you run.

It keeps your brain young

The human brain tends to deteriorate as we age. However, that does mean that you are supposed to get dumber as you age. You can do many things to keep the brain fresh, and working out through running is one of the approaches.

Regular exercises increase the number of oxygen-rich blood vessels that nourish the brain. Exercise through running also promotes the development of new blood vessels, increasing the connection between synapses (brain cells). The brain then becomes more adaptive, plastic, and efficient, which means that your brain performs better even in old age.

Some of the others things that you need to keep the brain young include maintaining a healthy diet, reducing the intake of substances such as alcohol and tobacco, and exercising good sleeping habits.

Improves sleep

A past study shows that 1 out of 3 American adults do not get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is not good for your body as your concentration levels will decrease at work. Sleep deprivation is also associated with obesity issues; when you are stressed, your body does not release leptin (appetite-suppressing hormone) which means that you tend to eat more.

Simple exercises such as running can be all that you need to fall asleep more easily. You can have a few laps around your neighborhood just after work to improve your sleep quality. Shooting for 1000 steps a day can help improve your sleep. Exercising outdoors has proven to be a good approach to deal with stress and make you pleasantry tired and help you sleep better.

Run to reduce stress

Stress is how your body reacts to a threatening situation. The body typically learns how to cope with stress in certain ways. However, if the body has adopted not-so-healthy mechanisms, you may find yourself having trouble sleeping, suffering from panic attacks, or even eating a lot.

Running has proven to be an awesome approach to dealing with stress. Running and other physical exercises activate neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which increase the happiness levels in your brain. Your body learns how to cope with stress as you run, and it can then reapply the same when it is faced with stressful situations.

Run to fight depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety are some of the most misunderstood forms of mental illness. Depression is more than feeling sad and can have far-reaching effects if not addressed. According to science, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, dopamine are the major hormones that influence our happiness levels. An imbalance on any of these hormones can have dramatic effects.

The good news is that running is one form of exercising that can help rebalance hormone levels. Running is known to release endorphins, which alter the chemical composition of your brain. Running for 15 minutes might be all that you need to experience the changes. However, there are instances where pharmaceuticals can be used together with running to address such mental disorders.

Run to boost energy

Running can seem like an impossible challenge after a long day at work. You already feel deprived, and working out may sound like adding trouble to your already burdened body. However, you can engage in low intense workouts through running and improve with time. Running before you sleep will help you sleep better, which means you wake up feeling better the next day. Boosting energy levels may not be an instant thing as you may need up to six weeks of regular running.

running freedom

How long does it take to feel the effects?

You should never be discouraged when your quality of sleep does not increase right away. A typical body needs at least four months to get used to increased activity levels. Exercise stimulates the autonomic nervous system until it settles down. Ensure that you run at least two hours before you sleep if you want to have a peaceful night’s sleep.

Running is one of the highest-paying sports. Gamblers also love wagering on races, so you will find many sports betting stats tied around it. Apart from being a career for some people and having physical benefits, running also comes with mental benefits, as you can see from the above points. Just ensure that you are consistent and maintain a healthy diet if you want to benefit fully.

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