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Training towards a sub 60 minute 10K

Train on the sub 60 minute 10km program

Train on the sub 60 minute 10km program

sub 60 minutes 10k – Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub 60 minutes for 10Km, you must be able to run below 6 minutes per kilometer for the distance.

sub 60 minute 10k Training Program

Now the reason we mention this is that you will have to train at a pace faster than this speed on occasions. So, if your running has consisted of slow distance running, it is time for change. A time for a change of attitude and a new fresh approach towards your training.

What we are looking at to start with, is being able to run 5Km’s in 5min 50sec per kilometer. This will give you an overall 5K time of 29:10. Added into your training will be sessions at this speed as well.

Your components now consist of running at 10K pace, running at 5K pace and then add to this a long run of 1Hr 45min and you are ready to progress towards your objective.

Now, the secret to your training should be to balance your training with your lifestyle. Your running must never become too much for you. You must always be able to do the sessions asked of you, if you miss a training session you can’t make it up. There is no going back to make up for what you have missed. Doing this is what normally leads to injuries.

Other 10k Training Programs available:

10km Program Tips
Forums for our 10k Training Programs – Feedback and Advice

Training explanations and must do’s below schedule

sub 60 minute 10K – 10k Training Program

Training Program towards a sub 60 minute 10K
Your Comments
01 60 to 70min easy distance
02 30min easy run
03 start with 3x2k R90-2min 11min 50 (5.55 per k) T
04 Rest
05 longest run – ‘time on feet’ up to 1Hr 45min
06 easy day of 30min running
07 easy day of 30min running
08 start with 5x1k R60 – 90 5min 45 to 5min50 L
09 easy day of 30min running
10 easy day of 30min running
11 Rest
12 5K paced run – aim sub 30min 5k
13 10k easy run
14 easy day of 30min running
15 start with 3 x 5min @ 10k pace with 1min easy F
16 easy day of 30min running
17 easy day of 30min running
18 Rest
19 Race day up to 15K
* easy recovery after race. 20 – 30min
** 2nd easy day after race. 30min
*** final easy run after race. 30min

Training explanations and must do’s :

T stands for 10K pace development L stands for 5K pace development R = Rest F is for Fartlek

Easy running is important for recovery and preparation before a harder day. Easy is at a pace where you are able to talk [“talk-test”] All quality sessions must be preceded with a warm up and stretching, and it is recommended that you warm down as well.

This is a 3 week cycle and after every 3 weeks you are able to run a race, up to 15K. It is not recommended that you use this program to race above 15k. If you have raced 21k’s before continue to do so, but do not look to this program to achieve great results, as your long runs in this program are not sufficient for a ‘great’ effort over 21K. After your race day, it is imperative that you use the next 3 days as recovery.

The 5K paced run, you should not run faster than 29mins on these days. If you want to run a hard 5K then you must do so on the race day. Adhere to this advice for success with the program.

After 2-3 months on this program, it is recommended that you take a break from this schedule. The break should be for 2-3 weeks and during this time you should take a break from running for 3-4 days and then come back to running by building up to distance runs without any quality sessions
[ The Off Training Period followed by The Build Up Period ]

Print out the program and fill in your comments and under ‘effort’ fill in your ‘perceived’ effort for each session. rate your effort from 1 to 5, with 5 the hardest and 1 the easiest. [This is NB] For Printable Program : Click here

Finally, this program is not recommended for a ‘beginner’ who has not got a background of running. It is recommended that you have a reasonable amount of ‘running’ without injury before attempting this program.

Further data has been added to the Training section about fartlek, ‘build-ups‘ and methods.

Author: Gavin Doyle


  1. Lauren Coelli says

    Excuse my ignorance, but can someone please explain the following:
    “start with 3x2k R90-2min 11min 50 (5.55 per k) T”
    -3x2k is self explanatory, then REST for 90seconds- 2minutes (between time trials I’m assuming). Then run for 11 minutes and 50s at 5.55km/hr pace?

    • Hi Lauren, the 2k = 2000m you run that at a pace of 5 minutes 55 seconds per kilometer for a total time of 11 minutes 50 seconds for the 2k distance, you then Rest for 90 seconds to 2 minutes then do another 2k at the same pace, then Rest again, and then the last 2k. Hopefully this helps. TheEd

  2. Johnny Persents says

    Hi, my 10km time currently is 32flat out .I can run a 30mins or a sub 31 if have the right training for that!

    • Johnny, send an email to info @ , with the username you want and we can get you going. Consider doing a 4k time-trial so we can adapt the training sessions. Once on the forums, please provide details of the mileage and sessions you have been doing, and then we can see what we can do. TheEd

  3. Hi,

    can somebody explain this part?

    start with 3 x 5min @ 10k pace with 1min easy F

    With that do you mean 5 min with the last minute in progression? And then with no break slow down again and repeat?

    Thanks for the answers.

    • timeadmin says

      Hi Jan, you run 5 minutes at projected 10k pace (the pace you would like to run 10k in) and then run 1 minute easy in-between. So 5 minutes @ pace then 1 minute easy then 5 minutes @ pace then 1 minute easy, and finally 5 minutes @ pace.
      Hopefully easy enough to understand. TheEd

  4. Arie Lapid says

    How can i add hill runs to this training?

    • timeadmin says

      Hi Arie, once the runner progresses through the program (which is progressive) rolling hill sessions come in during the build-up program and as the runner improves the sessions are introduced. We focus on less is better, with the hope of progression in time matched with the training change. Hope this helps, TheEd

  5. How can we add strength/weight training to this program?

    • timeadmin says

      Hi Ana, to start with, when new to the program, you can add your strength / weight training after Day 8 in week 2. Then, once you adapt to the program you can consider strength training around Day 1 of the program. Day 3 is the most important session, so best try to achieve that session before considering strength work. Hope it all works out. TheEd

  6. Nicky Tsitouras says

    at what pace do you suggest the long run of at least 1 hour 45 mins on day 5 ?

    • timeadmin says

      Hi Nicky, focus simply on the ‘time on feet’ and use the ‘talk test’ if necessary (where you able to talk while running) .. you can even break the run up into 20 minute segments, stopping every 20 minutes for a 1 minute stretch or muscle loosener .. hope this helps, TheEd

  7. Prashanth PS says

    Hi, Thank you for sharing guidance and tips. Wondering if it’s ok to scale the above table to sub-30-minute 5k run ?

    • HI there, you could train on that program to achieve sub 30 minute for 5k. You don’t have to change anything, and can use as is. TheEd

  8. I’m a new runner I’m currently working on sub 60 for 10 km.

    I sometimes lack to keep on same speed and breathing.

    I hope you can assist with that

    • Hi there Nothando, have you a recent 5k time to see where your fitness level currently is? If you use the sub 60 minute 10k program we can provide you with the pace for the sessions so that it is more in tune with you. Do you use a heart rate monitor? .. you are also welcome to join the forums for feedback

      send an email to info @ time-to-run . com
      with the username you want and we shall create an account for you.
      This is a free service, so do make the most of it, regards TheEd

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